Start A Chapter

What is a Chapter?

A Chapter is a branch of an organization, typically from a non-profit organization that can be in the form of a school club, a national group, a state group, or a regional.

Currently, we are working on establishing separate volunteer programs that focus on specific actions to help marginalized groups, and chapter leaders will be able to contribute to one single program or multiple (more information to come). Aside from this, being a chapter leader in terms of a school club will require chapter leaders to gather a group of people to carry out donation drives, give informative presentations, and carry out any current events at a local level, that the Bridge of Health and Hope is hosting.

What does being a Chapter Leader Entail?

If you are interested in becoming a chapter leader, especially for those who would like to start a BOHH club at their school, please contact us through Instagram or send us an email and we will provide you with the forms to fill out so that you can lead a group to bridge the health equity gap.

How to Start a Chapter?